Free poker tournaments are every day events that occur on a lot of the greatest online poker sites. Freerolls are much enjoyed by the poker gambling community as they provide the poker enthusiasts the ability to win some actual cash without losing any. The entry to these freerolls is – as their titles indicates – free and prize cash can vary from a couple of bucks for placing to hundreds of dollars for winning the big freeroll hold’em poker tournaments.
So how come the poker websites have freerolls? Is it because of their extremely benevolent character and the reality that they make massive sums of money so they feel a moral requirement to give some of it back?
What do you believe!
No of course it isn’t, the reason that the huge poker websites offer free tournaments is to bring in folks to their poker site.
Here’s the idea in a abridge form – You come across a site that has an exceptional freeroll, it costs you nothing to enter and you will be able to capture one hundred dollars. You think "awesome!" and you head over to the poker site and get registered as a member so you can participate in the freeroll. You can play and finish quickly and are annoyed due to the fact that you believe you should have done better, or you go close to winning and so you’re wanting some more action. So what happens? You wager some money at the poker site and compete in a different poker match!
Frequently check out the freerolls for cash-out stipulations, you will nearly always need to gamble on a few hands for real money before they allow you take the $$$$ out. Often this is on a 1 to 1 basis, so if you acquire twenty dollars at the freeroll poker tournament you will need to have bet for $20 in real cash in order for you to be able to draw out the cash.
This entry was posted on February 10, 2010, 10:21 pm and is filed under Poker. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.