Web High Stakes Poker – Who Might Sbrugby Be?

[ English ]

There is a brand-new player on the poker block who goes by the screen name sbrugby. If you have been watching big stakes cash games you’ll know who I am speaking of. On any day, you are able to catch Brian Townsend AKA sbrugby playing at the maximum limits on web Poker. The typical match of 200/400NL has a max buy in of forty thousand dollars. Many evenings sbrugby will finish up having about two hundred thousand dollars by the conclusion of his games. Sbrugby is rumored to be 24 years old and has only been participating for 2 years. He won a little 20 dollar buy-in tournament worth about two thousand dollars and has never stopped. He honed his games in casino cash matches at the 2/5NL poker table. Phil Ivey has been hammering away on this guy non-stop for the last number of weeks. Almost all of Ivey’s competitors go down in flames after Ivey destroys them. Sbrugby is not like most of Ivey’s competitors.

Sbrugby understands how to play up against the best player in the world. He plays a very strong style and is relentlessly applying pressure on his opponents. Whenever he sees weakness in his opponent, he will put his competitor to the test. His impressive skill to read his competitor’s hand places him among the best in the world. Brian Townsend is featured in the third season of GSN’s High Stakes Poker. Brian is one of many new net whiz kids who are controlling net poker.

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